Jan 2024
Will the term “going grocery shopping” eventually become obsolete?!
From AI to LAMs to JWO, we pontificated on "The Future of Grocery" and the acronyms powering your cart. Our CES panel also covered the importance of anchoring our human experience within our tech experience, and I think you might be surprised at what Jon Jenkins (Amazon), Katie Dombrowski (Pinterest), Ken Perkins, CFA (Kroger) and Ashley Tyrner (FarmboxRx) have to say about these topics!
Watch the CES 2024 panel: https://live.ces.tech/detail/6344769188112/the-future-of-grocery-shopping
Vita Vera Ventures is an early stage venture fund focused on Climate Tech & Supply Chain Tech advancing the resiliency, sustainability, and efficiency of our Food System. If you are an early-stage entrepreneur building with this in mind, we would love to hear from you.